In Fine Dead Girls Iva and Marija move into an apartment building that is home to a rogues' gallery of characters: a war veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress, a prostitute paid to break up the couple by a priest who is one girl's father, a homophobic gorgon of an apartment manager, and her son, a slacker mama's boy who rapes one of the pair to prove his masculinity. The film takes aim at the brutality and amorality of contemporary Croatian society, targeting patriarchy, nationalism, and the Catholic Church, as well as homophobia. WIKTOR GRODECKI'S CZECH HUSTLER DOCUMENTARIES: It obviously struck a chord, becoming the audience favorite at the Pula festival in '02 as well as Croatia's nominee for an Oscar the following year. My article on these: 'Who's Renting These Boys?'Ī documentary about boy prostitution in Prague. The economic boom andthe recently won political freedom have turned that beautiful, gracefulcity into a new mecca for both Eastern and Western tourists in search ofsex.
Young men trying to live up to the standards of Western consumerismreadily fall prey to quick, easy money from hustling. The young hustlers' disarming frankness and need to talk become the compellingengine that drives the film.